Macro Photography.
I can proudly say that this is the only thing i am good at it, from top to the bottom. Macro gives a definition and focus to certain elements of a picture frame. It gives a message hidden in the picture. Sometimes, it expresses a picture more than words.
First time i came across this style of photography was 4 years back, when i was in 3rd year Engineering. I still remember, i had HTC Wildfire with 5 MP primary camera. Since, i am not a professional photographer, most of my pictures are focusing on daily life's objects, household items etc. None of my picture deals with fashion, nature, animal or different types of photography style.
I don't dream of becoming a professional photographer by any chance. Nope, not at all. My focus is and will remain on taking snaps of real life events and scenarios, which are well shown in my facebook album. I observe road side banners, shops, hoarding, activities (by humans or animals), buses, vehicles, or anything you come across in everyday life. I take out my phone and take a snap of it. Why am i telling you all this.? Nope. I am not giving a lecture of Macro photography style. Its just, one fine day, i found out that my pictures are quite appreciable and should get some encouragement. Some of my favourite ones are over here.
These following ones are some of the Diwali shots. Quite impressive, huh!
Well, this one is something which i don't think i can capture all over again, anytime now. What do you say?

That's Hayward 5000. Classic, huh?
What else you can expect in a Dhaba? Black dog or 100 Pipers?
But must say, awesome food they got over there. And that lassi, damn good! I have been planning to go there once again, but timings are not in my favour nowadays. But i will definitely get back there once more.
And then comes, college parties. Yes, cold drinks, snacks, music, abusive and offensive dance( how can i forget to mention it). Damn! I love cold drinks. Could take a bath in it, too.! (I wish i could)
And then, i didn't want to work and was looking for some real cheap excuses to leave office early, if possible. Unfortunately, that didn't happen.
So i shredded whole box, full of my frustration, on top of this piece. Hope she enjoyed it too.! She is good looking though, or she looked good before this happened to her!

Oh yes, about her head! She lost her mind when i told her to check out herself in the mirror! Last thing i heard from my lady was,"Oh hell! its mind Mind Blasting.! ".
She is not the only victim. Someone else too lost his mind and his soul too.! You can call him, Mr. Macchar!

Well, at least he got an oppurtunity to die on my brand new notebook. Its ASUS X500LC. Pretty good technical configuration, must say! This mean machine is pretty fast, of course.! Intel i7, 4GB DDR3, what else one can wish for.
I am not only crazy about the notebook's, i have a thing for Desktop's too in my heart. Cause may be i have used it for a very long time. And every time i looked at my keyboard, i used to think that this shit over here needs some customisation. So, i came up with my own design one day!
So, one day while waiting for my turn during campus selection, i came up with something which was a real time 3D visual image. Or 4D. Maybe 8D. Guess, who cares!
And i am almost done here. Following are some of the random indoor and outdoor snaps.
That'd be all for this post. I am still looking for some of my pretty good snaps that i can at least stand for and share it over internet.
Till then, Sayonara!